A review by leebs
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca


Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke
By Eric LaRocca
Narrated by Laurie Catherine Winkle

‘At the end of each day, he used to ask me, “what have you done today to deserve your eyes?”’

5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Holy forking shirt balls, this was not what I was expecting. This little novella was one wild and crazy ride.

The writing and the characters were superb. The story is told through instant messages and emails and even through this limited medium LaRocca is able to develop the characters and create an intense and creepfy atmosphere that left me breathless. The imagery was so powerful that at one point I literally gagged - now if you knew me you would know that NEVER happens. I am not a person that gets disgusted easily and this book disgusted me! If you’ve read it - you know the bit I’m talking about!

I have read many reviews that criticise a male writer writing about a lesbian relationship but upon digging I discovered the writer is a trans man who uses he/they pronouns. As a cis woman in a heterosexual relationship I will defer to others on this, but I thought it pertinent to point out that LaRocca is not the heteronormative cis man most people assume him to be.

I won’t say any more about this book as I went in blind and I think that added to the absolute fucked up experience which I am definitely here for. I thoroughly recommend for all horror fans.