A review by bethandhertea
The Earl's Complete Surrender by Sophie Barnes


So this book started off strong but took a couple of turns near the end I didn't really like. Our Hero and Heroine are both book nerds, which is excellent, and Thorncliff has a ton of secret passages, which I also like! The book was going swimmingly until the Hero decided to blame the Heroine for being kissed by another man. “Allowing him to kiss her”….. and now I’m all riled up. Because, don’t you know, if you are accosted in a dark hallway it’s your own fault! I read fiction for escape and THIS IS ACTUAL REALITY thanks I hate it. This bit left a bad taste in my mouth. Anyways the rest of the story was a fairly enjoyable spy romp. Buttttt…. Hero continually acted like women were dainty little birds who needed to be kept in cages. Despite constantly showing him over and over otherwise………. I just don’t have any patience for that kind of story telling. I have another of her books on my shelf to try, hopefully it goes better than this one.