A review by mmeggann
My Husband's Wife by Jane Corry


I've been wanting to read this book ever since I first saw the cover on a shelf probably at least a year ago. Why I didn't pick it up, I have no clue. Eventually, I had to have it. I read a few reviews, saw that most people thought it was pretty good, and figured it was finally time.

Long story short, I should've picked this one up ages ago.

For some reason I love domestic thrillers. There's something so "close to home" about the relationship between the protagonist and antagonist and how they coexist that gets me. I swear, every review I write makes me out to be some sort of crazy person but the more insane and psychopathic the characters, the more I tend to love them. Make of that what you will.

The best thing about this book is that it's not just one antagonist - at some point, everyone in the cast seems to play that role. It makes for a very interesting dynamic and one that was never at any point boring or predictable. I also found that at various points each character played a role where you felt a level of endearment toward them - any author that can make me both love and hate a character within the span of 400 pages is truly talented in my eyes.

What did I think?: Honestly, this is one of my favorite books that I've read in a long time. I was impressed not just with the story but also the flow of writing and how the different perspectives didn't feel clunky or irritating. I was left with cliff-hangers that kept me up well past my bedtime.

Who should read it?: If you enjoy thrillers and enjoy the unique relationships that can exist between characters that genuinely dislike one another, this is going to be a good choice for you. I can't recommend it enough, especially if you're a fan of legal or courtroom dramas as it has enough of that to qualify but not enough that you feel bogged down in it.