A review by lucy_qhuay
The Wagering Widow by Diane Gaston


What a disappointment!
The cover of this book is so beautiful and the general concept very intriguing and yet, I was left frustrated with this book.

First of all, I cannot say that I like the hero, Guy. I do not hate him either but I strongly dislike him.
He married the heroine, Emily, because he thought she was a rich heiress and he wanted her money.
True, he wanted the money so that he could be able to provide for his mother and her aunts.
Still, I didn't like it at all.

But what really made me angry was the fact that he is a selfish bastard.
He is so set on his goals that he does not worry about anybody else.

Can you imagine my disgust when, even when he was making love to his wife or as he first called it, "performing his husbandly duties", he had not a single care for her?
He didn't care a bit if she had pleasure as well or if he hurt her feelings.
And she was a virgin.
What an awful introduction to the sexual part of a marriage!

And he kept making bad decision and doing things that hurt her, which pissed me off even more.

But Emily wasn't a great heroine as well.
At first, she was too meek. And she was much too worried about how a proper lady should react.
Damn, she made herself barely move when she was intimate with her husband because, in her point of view, if she moved a lot or made noises, she would be too forward and that was wrong.

And let's not talk about the end of this book.
So much drama and then, too damn quickly, it is everything alrigh.

What a pity!