A review by ghostmuppet
Judge Dredd: Mechanismo by Peter Doherty, Alan Grant, Colin MacNeil, John Wagner


The second book in the Mega Collection, is one that i had not read before (or one i was aware of).

The first couple of stories were from Judge Dredd Magazine, in full colour. The first has a lot of homage to the film Short Circuit - with Number 5 being alive and judging. He is eventually brought down by Dredd. I liked how the robots ethics were based on the book produced by Dredd. Just goes to show that a human element is needed.
Number 5 returns after 12 months and starts to judge again. I got a similar impression about his judging that i got with the Judge Death and his friends.
The rest of the book was filled with a couple of smaller stories regarding droids. These were ok, but didn't really add anything to the main story, so came across as page fillers.

Would be nice to have more on the history of the stories, writers, artists etc. We do get a page or two, but they seem a little weak. Nice to see old 2000AD covers as well.