A review by taisie22
A Night of Forever by Bronwen Evans


I've read a few of the books in the series before this one and they were okay. I'm being very generous with the stars here. This book had so many inconsistencies, it became a struggle just to get through it.
Isobel and Arend had no chemistry as a couple. Their passive-aggressive relationship wasn't engaging to the reader and I mostly wanted to slap both of them.
The story has so many inconsistencies and deus ex machina that I can't list them all.. Here's a few. Isobel's father was so broke that he had to marry Victoria, yet two years later he left her a fabulous heiress. Then he was poor again, then he was rich. Apparently, he was only poor when it was necessary to justify his marriage; otherwise, he was rich.
Tunnels conveniently appear, dead people show up for no reason, soldiers appear to rescue the heroine - all calling for total suspension of belief. These 'scholars' have no real plans, but gallop all over the country along with their wives.. Regency customs and speech are often disregarded by the author.. The villain is unbelievable.
This book was kind of a mess. Maybe some other readers will enjoy it, but it was not for me.