A review by kittyskittles181
Duel of Dragons by Gael Baudino


The most philosophically deep of the series, and also the book which goes into the transgender characters of the series most deeply. Marrget and Wykla, transformed from men into women by magic in the previous book, each discover for herself what womanhood means, what love means for her, and how to heal the scars of the decade-long war between Gryylth and Corrin. Answers do not come easily, and harsh words exchanged near the beginning become horrors by the end.

At the center of the book and story, of course, lie Alouzon Dragonmaster, the transformed Suzanne Helling, Guardian and nascent Goddess of the fragmentary world containing Gryylth, Corrin and Vaylle. Simultaneously powerful warrior and shell-shocked former Flower Child and survivor of the Kent State shootings, Alouzon must come to terms with her incipient divinity, while counseling, guarding and guiding her friends.

Book 2 is considerably deeper than book 1, going into the deep psyches of far more characters (Book 1 focused almost entirely on Alouzon).