A review by ameserole
Sharing Beauty by Madison Faye


Here we have the eldest sister of Princess Isla and Imogen, Princess Ilana. She doesn't just have one prince pining for her love, no she has two. Ilana is already super lucky and I'm kind of jealous but then you realize that the two guys falling for her are twins. Not that I have anything against their romance because it is a book and I loved every second of it. I'm just jealous.

I was kind of surprised that her parents just let her marry the twin brothers, Caspian and Cade Charming (AND YES CHARMING IS THEIR LAST NAME) but hey it's a book and I'm not disappointed. Just like the previous two books, Sharing Beauty is a pretty quick read. I think it took me about an hour (maybe less) to devour this book. I loved everything about their relationship, even the evil twatwaffle who tried to ruin them.

I seriously can't wait to dive into book four because I think it's about one of their cousins?!? I think.