A review by geekxgirl
Hunted by Jolie Vines


2 Stars

Meh. Honestly this one didn't stand out to me either. I wasn't a big fan of the movie star/falling in love with a fan trope..

I really liked Cameron though from the previous book. That still didn't change in this one. He was wonderful.

Elise..eh. I found her to be a bit of a doormat honestly. In some aspects Elise seemed to be unaware she was acting as such to everyone in her life. Saying yes and being agreeable and such. But she did come off that way.

I understood her reaction to her assault followed by realizing someone was attempting to blackmail her. It was a lot to handle and to wrap her head around. I'm not sure I understood quite the degree of distrust she had in other people. I understand being wary of everyone's motives when you're in a position such as she was as an actress and famous. But to what degree did everyone deserve such distrust and polite distance? I don't recall any true reasons for such reactions from her other than growing up in the public eye and having paparazzi stalk her and a few acquaintances speak to the press as a source. It didn't seem personal enough to me for her to be so distrustful and jaded about everyone's motives.

And yeah, given her situation when we meet her in the book it could have played a part in that distrust coming across so loudly. But even if that's the case I found it a little hard to believe she would just so easily accept Cameron in her life. Even after her jumping to conclusions and throwing a diva fit on his car before running away at the beginning. I guess it's supposed to be the power of true love? Eh, it didn't quite seem believable for me. Elise truly seemed to have major trust issues that weren't just miraculously created by her recent assault or blackmailer. So...