A review by foreverbeautifulbooks
A Midsummer's Nightmare by Kody Keplinger


There is just something about Kody. I was originally turned onto this author when I saw the trailer for The Duff, and found out it was a book. First off they did a HORRIBLE adaptation of The Duff. The ruined all the brilliance that was Kody as an author and how honest she writes teenagers. But that's regressing.

I decided to go on a hunt for the rest of Kody's books. I read the synopsis for the rest of the books and they ALL looked good! I was like grrrrrrr... and so my TBR pile grows. The great thing about Kody's books is I get so invested I read them in a few hours.

Originally I planned on just reading a few chapters and going back to a review book I needed to get done. Roll around 3AM and I hit the last page after tears, laughter, and my heart bursting with these characters.

Characters: Whitley was a hard character to understand at first. I wouldn't call her stuck up persay, I would say that she acted out and right from the start she clearly had crappy parents. But I had faith, I was going to continue this story and find out the root of Whitley's behavior. And can I just say, the way Kody unraveled the past and how no one really gave each other closure in this family was brilliant. It wasn't a bunch of self-pity inner dialogue, no it would burst out of Whitley and I found myself crying. I got it. I got her. And I wanted so bad for her to see the love this new family had for her.

Nathan, how can you not love Nathan. You see, he's the 'nice-guy'. Well, a reformed bad-boy, but that unravels very carefully also. He was the nice-guy that gets the girl. He was honest, strong, kinda Alpha without being overwhelming, and he was actually written perfectly. He wasn't over the top, he wanted Whitley but made it totally clear what his expectations where. He was so engaging that I almost felt I didn't get enough of him. I kinda wanted inside his brain during some of the harsher things that Whitley did.

I was worried about the facebook page issue, and I was worried about the 'slut-shamming' but at the end of the day, the slut-shamming issues dealt with in the book in a proper manner that clearly showed that it wasn't okay to do it. It drew light to cyberbullying in high school aged kids and that it is a very real issue.

I have to say this is one of my favorite books to date. It told a well paced, emotional story about a girl with a lot of issues and Kody handled it so well! I can't wait until my daughter is mature enough to read Kody's books!

*I got my copy from the Los Angeles County Library*