A review by lalabristow
Hard Spell by Justin Gustainis


Previously Published on my blog: Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

Rating: 3.5 stars.


Anyone that has read my blog for any period of time knows how much I love Urban Fantasy, even if me and the genre and I have our issues sometimes. However, I have to admit that I don’t tend to be the biggest fan of Male protagonists in UF. Nothing against it, but I just connect better with women, that’s all.

However, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed Stan as the protagonist of Hard Spell. I really liked the world Justin created for this series, the rules, creatures and character history was extremely interesting and engrossing.

I did feel that the book lagged for a while in the middle part of it, though. That made me take longer to read it than I would normally take, but towards the end things got so awesome that I could not put it down until I was done.

All in all, Hard Spell is a very good first book in a series and it does a great job in setting up the world and characters. Despite its shortcomings, I enjoyed it a lot and am definitely looking forward to the next installment in the series.