A review by patchworkbunny
World War Moo by Michael Logan


The follow up to Apocalypse Cow sees Britain attempting to hold back the rest of the world from destroying them in order to prevent the virus spreading. For the time being, it’s contained by the sea, patrolled by military vessels set on shooting anyone who attempts to escape.

These are not traditional zombies. They are not undead and mostly they act like normal people just much more prone to outbursts of anger and having lots of sex. Now that nearly the entire population is infected, the virus doesn’t need to spread, and the rage only tends to kick in near the uninfected. Yet without internet, the rest of the world is being fed stories of the zombie filled land via the media frenzy. Popular opinion would have the country nuked, if only the French wouldn’t object.

World War Moo is full of political satire; from nuclear deterrent to immigration, media coverage to African mercenaries and religious fanatics. There are a few times when the humour is just a bit silly, but overall it’s spot on with its observations of human nature and how governments act. It’s a shame Michael’s UK publisher didn’t pick the sequel up as there’s plenty of things that are oh so British.

The cover is a tad misleading if you are expecting a whole load of zombie cows again. There’s a few here and there but this is mostly about the people left behind. However plenty of the characters from the previous book are back along with a few new ones.

Review copy provided by author.