A review by sophilozophy
Afterlife by Claudia Gray


The story continues right where the cliffhanger in Hourglass ended. Things aren't getting any easier for Lucas and Bianca. She's a wraith and Lucas is a vampire—the very thing he would prefer to die than become. Now they both have to come to terms with their own Afterlives. Lucas need to learn how to control his bloodlust and the only place that can help him is Evernight Academy, which is the worst place for a powerful wraith like Bianca.

"Classes start in two weeks," I said. "At Evernight. You're going to go back there."
Lucas stared at me for a second, then thumped his head against one of the wine racks so that the bottles rattled. "Great. I'm already hearing things. Halfway to crazy."

One thing I really enjoyed, but never really thought I'd want to know before I knew were the reasons behind Mrs. Bethany's actions. I'll never agree with her methods, but I understand her more.

Mrs. Bethany's proud face never changed, but I saw something I'd never expected to see: her eyes filling with tears.

They is never a dull moment in this book and when it seems like they don't have enough to worry about, something happens to prove there can always be more. It might not have the perfect ending I wanted, but it was perfect for this story and not improbably wrapped in a neat bow.

The Evernight series was the second YA series I ever read and one of the reasons I got hooked on series instead of just reading stand-alone books. Claudia Gray has a talent for cliffhangers that leave you on edge and compel you to find out what happens next. The supporting characters are as lovable and developed as the main. I can easily imagine each of them with their own spin-off novels.