A review by __kya__
The Book of Nightmares, by Galway Kinnell


This is the type of book (totally not speaking from experience) that one borrows from their local library, engages in a weeklong breakfast affair with, then promptly spends their last $7 on this $15 book from Amzon. You know, I have looked at all the pages, seen all the words. I watch them dance and play and twirl about in front of me. Hell, I even know I like some of these little word creatures, though at this moment I have only met them from a distance. But the reason I spend my last dime on this book... is because I get paid tomorrow. In addition to that, I desire to meet these word creatures. I want to add my words to the pages. I want to see and smell and taste and (the laughing and crying already occurred) feel the presence of these word creatures. I want to absorb through osmosis. This has more to offer than my breakfast affair will allow. I look forward to the too-late nights of manic scribbling that The Book of Nightmares is sure to foster.