A review by theresidentbookworm
Angel #6 by Bryan Edward Hill, Dan Panosian, Gleb Melnikov


The Best Of: Angel #6

1. Spike being a dramatic ***hole who throws himself off of buildings because he's sad and Drusilla betrayed him but knows he won't die (because vampire) so he just aims for cars instead.

2. Gunn saying he doesn't want to meet Lilith and Lilith once again just showing up (as if summoned) and not being at all offended by this comment, instead offering her apologies to Gunn about what happened to his friend.

3. "I didn't mean..." "To offend me? You didn't. Men say I kill babies in their sleep and seduce away their souls. That offends me."

4. Lilith wearing a fabulous purple suit jacket with purple shorts and a black tank top, Gunn noticing that this is Tom Ford (which I love that he knows), and Lilith replying: "Tom owes me a debt. I accept payment in linen and leather. You think you got there by himself? Success takes help."

5. Lilith introducing Spike to Fred and Gunn by calling him a poet and an awful one at that.

6. "The second world is just as complex as the common world. As above, so below. Nothing is just good or evil. Not me. Not you. Not him."

7. Spike sitting in a bar, brooding and wearing a leather jacket and a t-shirt that says Major Threat.

8. Lilith comparing Spike to Billy Idol, Gunn not knowing who that is, and Lilith being annoyed that the kids don't know who Billy Idol is.

9. Lilith not having any of Spike's shit and transforming into her demon form to stop him from running.

10. Um, even the cliffhanger is good and interesting? How is that possible? I really enjoy this series!