A review by booksandchicks
The Rent Collector by Camron Wright


I read the original Rent Collector in 2013 and enjoyed the book that was inspired by a true story. I wanted to read this version written for young readers thinking of my teenagers!

This story takes place in Cambodia at the dump—at the dump where people live. They live day to day sorting through trash looking for items and metal to sell to collect enough money to buy food for the day. I loved this aspect of the story—lets show our children how hard people work to make ends meet.

The story is shown from the perspective of a woman and her life at the dump. She has a husband that goes out and sorts and a baby who has chronic diarrhea. But, the story is about the Rent Collector—the woman who collects rent for the land owner of the dump. You may live at the dump, but there is still rent to pay!

I loved the little bit of history of the Khmer Rouge, the story of an adult learning to read and the power of words, and the compassion humans have for one another. I found some of the reading references and books talked about to be a bit boring for a teen, but the story makes it worth it.

Have your youth read this for a glimpse into a whole other world and life. Help them to see how one can still give even if you have nothing. I think it’s so important for our children to learn to be compassionate, try to help others, serve, listen and love which this book encapsulates so well.

Thank you to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for an advance e-copy in return for my honest review.