A review by holsarmstrong
Hidden Hope by Amy Patrick


I forgot to make this as read earlier so please excuse the later review.

Okay, so my thoughts are a lot more...sporadic with this one. Book one I was all about Lad and Ryann. Book two I was so about Nox it was a joke and this one they both just did my head in and I wanted to take Ryann for myself because these boys - to put it bluntly - ain’t shit.

I don’t know how one series can make me change my mind so much about their characters but this somehow managed to do so.

I will say, the writing is progressively getting better with each book and although this one didn’t leave me clambering for the next book like the previous one, I will likely read book 4 at a later date.

I’m not sure what did it for me, maybe it’s because I felt the plot line was boring and uneventful and considering the amount of books in this series, this can be best described as a filler book. I think the one thing that salvaged it from being a two star was the ending had some high powered drama and action I was craving for and it ended on a note I felt satisfied with.

To conclude, I think this series is definitely worth it if you want something to get you out of a reading slump. It’s low fantasy and fun and the writing is witty. I just think the plotting needs work.