A review by kitvaria_sarene
Path of War by David Green


Path of War by David Green is a worthy sequel to In Solitude's Shadow!

A lot bigger than the first book, this book delivered on what I was hoping for - more depth all around. More detailed world building, more character growth, more scheming, more action, more fights and more mysteries to be resolved.

In really enjoyed how the darker bits of the book were handled. Traumatic experiences actually have repercussions, and loss isn't just forgotten two seconds later. It's a dark story that isn't for the faint of heart, and especially one POV is far beyond redemption at this part, so be warned.

I loved the strong bonds, be it friendship, love, family or the need to help even strangers. There's a lot binding people together, which definitely was a major strength of the book! I always enjoy it when there's a lot of different layers instead of just one central relationship, and Path of War has many.

Definitely a very strong series by now, and I'm already looking forward to the third book!