A review by theoguinto
The Steel Remains by Richard K. Morgan


Not the biggest fan. I like fantasy/sci-fi but I can only handle so many new terms being thrown at me before I start to feel alienated.

Also, I didn't really get why Ringil and Seethlaw just started fucking but I may have missed that? It kinda just came out of nowhere.

Plus the whole different dimension thing was very weird then they suddenly were at war with the dwenda and are seemingly capable of hurting them when they had such a hard time even fighting Seethlaw earlier in the book.

Again, I may have missed the precise reasons for those above but there was just too much going on with the three PoVs and fantasy terms.

I had a hard time following along after Ringil met Seethlaw, Egar is saved from being murdered by his brothers, and Archeth attacks the people who were arresting the crazy lady.