A review by tabithar
The Meaning Of Night by Michael Cox


"Weeks came and went...months passed... and slowly I began to fall into an enfeebling gloom which I could not shake off. This was a black time indeed."

This quote is from "The Meaning of Night" and pretty much sums up my reading experience. I have tried 3x to continue and can't make myself go any further. The book is a droning, whining affair about a guy who feels that another guy (unknowingly and later knowingly) stole from him the life he should have had. Its not encouraging. Its depressing to know the guy goes on for longer than "DUNE" about how he's going to get even with Pheobus Daunt. The guy is at least little insane but trying to convince himself his actions are all reasonable.

Is it tragic? Sure but life goes on dude. He doesn't appear particularly thankful for opportunities he has other than to twist them into a dogged pursuit of revenge. This book could serve as a warning to what you could look like if you devoted your whole life to hate and revenge.

I started this book when I realized it came before a book I had marked to read. I'm removing it from my "to read".