A review by mad_about_books
Hound's Bite by E.J. Stevens


Ivy Granger's continuing saga is a morality tale replete with all the baggage that implies. Is killing an enemy the thing to do? If a friend becomes an enemy, how does that change the answer? Do I save the child or do I save everyone else? Because I can, should I?

HOUND'S BITE is an emotional rollercoaster ride. If you are anything like me, a person who cries at the movies, or when your favorite song plays, you'll need a hanky to get through some parts of this book. As I was reading Ivy's response to endangering a child, any child, whether human or fae or demon, the tears welled up in my eyes.

Harborsmouth finds itself, once more, under siege on several fronts. The battle is all blood and guts and horror, and written with such clarity as to tear your heart out. I read this book through tears of anguish at the potential for loss. Let me tell you, reading through tears may make the page a bit blurry, but putting the book down was not an option.

E. J. Stevens has created an alternate universe in which suspension of disbelief comes easily. Traveling there is as easy as turning the first page. Her characters are all so very real and believable because they are all so perfectly and uniquely flawed.

Stevens has carved her own personal niche in the horror/urban fantasy genre with the continuing saga of a strong female lead that is more developed with each new book. This is a series that you want to start with book one, SHADOW SIGHT, and work your way through them all. That is exactly what I plan to do… read them all!