A review by maraya21
My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling


3.5 Stars

This was highly entertaining in all its unexpected glory!

I'm half Greek so I take an interest - whenever it suits me - with all things Greek. Especially Greek Mythology, cause let us face it, who wouldn't love insanely OTT bundles of bloody whatthefuckery?

So, this one is about Persephone but it gets of the well known myth into a spin off, which I did like. Not sure if the blutant inaccuracy was planned or not but somehow it works for this if you don't go neatpicking that is.

Points I liked:
• I did like Sophie/Persephone. "Murder is me" kind of girl and after my own heart.
• #friendship_goals with Sophie and her BFF Hannah.
• Also #friendship_goals with Sophie and her other BFF Theo.
• Theo & Hannah were great side characters. They had snark and brains.
• No insta-love that melts your brain. I mean there was attraction but thank Goddess nothing of the normal insta variety.
• Kai actually acting like a God, meaning being a little douche (albeit a likeable one), instead of saying he's one and acting like a hormonal teenage boy 25/7.

Interested in seeing where this will end up going. Onwards, I go.

Auxiliary Challenge Winner for January 2018 (Theme: MYTHOLOGY / GODS)