A review by jennyl
Work Simply: Embracing the Power of Your Personal Productivity Style by Carson Tate


Even if you've read other books about managing your time and have tried multiple approaches, this book is still a good read because of its focus on four different productivity styles - prioritizer, planner, arranger, and visualizer. There's a quiz to help you find your preferred style, and then tips and recommendations for ways to align your style with how you work, participate on a team, manage, coach, and generally interact at work.

The book didn't help me come up with a specific plan, mainly because I don't have one productivity style. Instead, I'm equally spread out across all four styles, but I'll still take some of the tips to heart and continue tweaking my routines. That said, I found it valuable to understand why I do some of the things I do and realize I probably shouldn't fight those tendencies because they're a natural inclination for me. I'll also probably take productivity style into account when pitching ideas and presentations at the office.

If you haven't thought about this kind of approach to your time management, I would definitely recommend reading this book.