A review by theconstantreader
Insomnia by Marina Benjamin


I made the mistake of trying to plow through this book on two seperate occasions. The first, when I started it and the second, when I finished it. Benjamin's prose are so poetic and well thought out, they demand thinking time. I'd recommend reading this book alongside another so you don't force it.

Now, when I flick through and look at the words that grabbed me, I'm still as moved as I was when I first read the same sentences.

Luckily for me, insomnia has never really been an ailment of mine - although I do fear it. I've had a few occasions when I've woken in the middle of night and fought to get back to sleep. Afraid that otherwise I'll be in this limbo land that will leave me fatigued on the day coming, where inevitably, as always, I have scheduled a lot for myself to do.

When I started reading, a whole book that pondered sleep and lack there of, kind of seemed excessive and I don't know, perhaps unnecessary? Then Benjamin talks at the end about the power of collages and it resonates beautifully because you realise that's exactly what this book is. It isn't just about sleep but about life, and feelings, subconscious and conscious. It's a collection of thoughts that should be ingested and appreciated slowly.