A review by jellyneckz
Colibri by Ann Cameron


In Guatemala, twelve-year-old Tzunún travels with a man she calls “Uncle” in search of a treasure which fortune-tellers have convinced Uncle she will bring him. Tzunún manages to escape Uncle and learn the truth about her past.

I enjoyed Colibrí because I had never read any fictional stories from Guatemala before this one. I could visualize the Guatemalan cities of Nebaj and San Sebastián because of the descriptions of the people, food, and the sights and smells of the marketplaces. I was reminded that Central American cultures are not just “Spanish,” but also reflect the Mayan backgrounds of the people. This was evident in the fact that Tzunún spoke Kaqchikel, knew the Mayan calendar, and wore a traditional Mayan huipil and corte (embroidered blouse and skirt). Characters in Colibrí worshipped Christian saints, as well as a “Saint Sam,” who was believed to bring great wealth.