A review by rhodaj
On a Barbarous Coast by Harold Ludwick, Craig Cormick


Thank you to Allen & Unwin for sending me an uncorrected proof of this book to review.

This book is the re-telling of Captain Cook’s landing on Australian soil and is mostly told from the perspective of Magra, a midshipman. There is also a small part of the book narrated by Garrgiil, an indigenous boy. To give much more detail than this would spoil the book for other readers.

Soooo, the sections narrated by Garrgiil on Aboriginal customs, language and connection to land make this book worth reading as they are both interesting and beautiful. However this only accounts for about 20% of the book. I wish this had been much more of a focus of the book, as these parts were delightful.

The majority of the book is from the white man’s perspective and for the most part, they spend their time whingeing and complaining and generally behaving badly and like complete savages