A review by curlyheadedone
Cape by Kate Hannigan


Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for approving me to read an eARC of this book!

Cape is set in Philiadelipa during WWII and follows the story of Josie, Akimo and Mae. The girls meet at a puzzler job tryout..where they soon learn about the evil Mr. Hissler and The League of Secret Heroes. The girls get their powers when the put of the boots, mask and cape of a super hero that disappears right in front of them.

So what I really love about this story is all the girl power in it and also how it didn't shy away from some topic. Our main characters are a diverse group of ladies and they do face prejudice because of the time period it is set in. I love how Josie sees how wrong that is.
"And it occurred to me that prejudices were a lot like allergies. They made it hard for us to really see."

Other things that I loved is how the book has few pages that are written like comic book. I really enjoyed that. I like that the author included the real life history behind the story. Also how some of the characters in the book were real people. She also gave the reader websites and book incases they wanted to learn more.

Overall I think this is a great middle grade book. It has a Agent Carter/ Wonder Woman feel and it as plenty of action packed scenes! I think that readers (not just kids but adults too) are going to love it!

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*