A review by duckiedarling
Phonogram: The Immaterial Girl #1 by Matt Wilson, Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie


maybe the stars are for nostalgia's sake... I feel a little indifferent at the moment; but I have been waiting for this comic ever since they first announced it... what was it? the years ago?

that's a long time to wait for 32 pages, but wait I did. I was not disappointed. I knew what I was getting into. I think it's because I relate to the character's worldview so much. music will always be a part of me and how I relate to others, so seeing characters who live and breathe music (especially from this era) left me feeling s bit... underwhelmed, which is a crazy way to feel but there it is.

I'm hoping as the story progresses I'll find my footing again. it's not a bad first issue. I just sort of felt awkward... it's like when you see a bunch of people from high school but your all grown up with kids and mortgages... you don't know where the familiarity went even though you know the faces.

P.S. I will never not love Seth Bingo.