A review by sixphanel
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley


Wow, all the feels this book gave me. This is an brilliant and excellent book. Heartbreaking (sometimes I wonder how humans are capable of hating so much) but at the same time... hopeful.

One of the things I loved the most? How the girls are written from the other's point of view. It's one of the first times where I really understand (and approve!) why an author would want to switch point of views, but here... here it just makes so much sense.

Anyway, Sarah and Linda are both different, they have to overcome hard things in life, for Sarah these things come from the outside and they have nothing to do with her own persona, but with the fact that she's black; but for Linda... it's all in her. And maybe that's why I loved her so much, because it must take a lot of strength to-- well, you read the book :)