A review by avora
The Cello Suites by Eric Siblin


It looks like this book is getting mixed reviews and I guess I can understand why. If I wrote a research paper on Bach, the Suites, or Casals, then no, I would not give this a great review. However, I thought it was a fun, fast read that is accessible for all people interested in classical music, no matter their musical skill level. The biographies of the two men were entertaining and made me appreciate the struggles, passion, and sacrifices they made to bring beautiful music into the world.

Side note: I applaud Siblin for trying to gain some proficiency in the guitar, cello, and voice so that he could better appreciate Bach as a producer and not just as a consumer, but his attempts were clumsy and embarrassing to read about. If you are really serious about learning an instrument, taking two lessons of each isn't going to cut it.