A review by dominish_books
The Iron Crown by L.L. MacRae


* You can find my full video review here: https://youtu.be/5pp85xujOoM *

The Iron Crown by L.L. Macrae is a story set in a world where dragons are spirits, and this is a really interesting concept.

Dragon spirits will typically form where there’s a forest or a body of water or some such and they are like the gods and protectors of their realm.

They can also bless a person, giving them the equivalent of divine powers, which is another really interesting aspect.

The whole concept of the dragon spirits is one that really worked for me. I love dragons, and it’s nice to see a bit of a different take on them without taking away the essence of what a dragon actually is.

The ancient enemy, the Myr, have been beaten and exiled but there are signs of their return, against the terms of a peace treaty. There are also a number of lost souls turning with no memories, and who are being linked to the Myr.

Fenn is one such lost soul and he is helped by Calidra and Jisyel, who make a really interesting pair. Calidra is the daughter of a laird and her partner, Jisyel, has been cursed by a dragon spirit and can no longer feel, whether it’s pain, or hunger, or anything else physical.

These two young women are wary of Fenn and where one wants to palm him off on the Inquisitors and make him someone else’s problem, the other wants to help him find out who he was and what happened to him.

The book feels almost intimate in its storytelling, which works really well. You can see the impact of events on the characters, but you can also see the impact the characters can have on the wider world, which I really appreciate.

As for the story, I like the way that it slowly builds but you always can tell there’s more coming and when it comes, it does so with a bang. There are some really great and intense moments here and it all flows nicely.

This book is an early contender for my book of the year listing. It’s a really well-written tale with great worldbuilding and characters, and I highly recommend it to any lover of epic fantasy.