A review by obliquomancer
The Beast: A Journey Through Depression by Tracy Thompson


A compellingly well-written memoir.

This was the first book I'd ever read which fully expressed how it feels to have depression - not just the 'grey cloud' of apathy and numbness, but also the intense episodes of self-loathing and self-destructive behaviours - and as such was enormously reassuring and even healing for me personally. While I'm tempted to recommend it to others struggling with depression, its accounts of compulsive behaviour, self-harm and domestic abuse would, I imagine, render it extremely triggering for many people.

(Which means that it's probably best aimed at people looking to understand depression in *others* - although the extreme nature of some of Thompson's experiences may lead some to assume that the author's depression was *caused by* the negative influences in her life - whereas many people suffer depression for no discernible reason & in fact having no concrete 'origin' is a leading cause of frustration in those affected by mental illness! It does, however, serve as an excellent chronicle of the thought processes and peculiar logic typical of depression.)