A review by catbooking
Ship of Fools by Richard Paul Russo


I kept reading this book hoping to get to the scary things in space part, but it never happened. The exploration, that hinted at things getting nice and scary wrapped up quite quickly without exploring much. I know that unanswered questions are supposed to give the feel of the mysterious and not known, but in this case it just left me unmoved. I need more than just dead bodies and a mysterious ship.

While I needed more to scare me, I could have done with less religious navel gazing. I kept waiting for there to be a purpose for so much religious focus, but the point never came. Even the religious discussion itself did not offer anything of interest, as it was two people agreeing to one person monologuing. There is no fun of any kind in that. The other thing I could have done without is the romance angle and the sex, which seem to be shoehorned into every narrative nowadays.

To sum up my feeling on the book I was given too much information that had little to do with the plot or general establishment of settings, and not enough to make me emotionally involved or mentally interested in the mysteries. Complete miss for me.