A review by raven168
Dark Alpha's Hunger by Donna Grant


3.5 stars

What I love about these books is that the story keeps moving forward without ever slowing down and making it boring. The draw back to that (and to how short these are) is how fast everything happens. Like here, Thea and her best friend simply accept everything they're told right away without much, if any, convincing. At least with Thea's part it was shoved in her face. While I like that because then I don't get frustrated with them being stubbornly against it, I also sometimes find it ridiculous. I mean, come on, falling in love within a day or two when you don't even know the person? Apparently I can't win.

Thea is an orphan and very much a solitary person. She prefers to be alone to the point that she could gladly go days without even talking to her friends. Since she was a child she has felt a pull to a specific stone portal and always goes there. Music has saved her in so many ways and Thea rarely goes out without her violin. Often she goes to these stones and plays. She didn't know why they called to her, but she's about to find out.

Eoghan is trapped in that dark realm, still running from the creature he can't see, when he hears music that promises him freedom. It's a fight to get thru the portal, but with Thea's help he barely manages to make it and destroy it before the creature can follow him. He tells Thea to run, and that's exactly what she does. Even so, Eoghan finds himself seeking her out once more.

When they meet again, it's pretty much insta everything. Or as they figure, it was Fate. Eoghan's desire for Thea is almost overpowering, and despite everything that she's already seen, Thea can't stop wanting him either. When Thea gets kidnapped, Eoghan will stop at nothing to get her back and then to get the answers about why. Even if it means going against his vow to Erith.

Despite not moving any closer to stopping Bran, this was a great step forward. I loved the surprises we got here. From what Erith decides to do with Eoghan to whose daughter Thea is. We also get a bunch of new characters making it obvious this series is far from over. Plus we end with Erith going back for her sword, so that's bound to make things even more exciting.

There were a couple things that I really would have liked explained more. First and foremost, where exactly was Eoghan stuck? This seemed kind of important to me. So when he just escapes it and that's the end of that, I was left wanting to know more about the place and how exactly he got there and such. Then there was Thea's music. I get it, she's fae. Daughter of a powerful one at that. But how the heck does that translate into her having some special fae music power or whatever?
SpoilerAnd how the hell does that save her life?!

Anyway. This was great and I look forward to what's to come.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.