A review by taaya
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor: Gaze of the Medusa by Gordon Rennie, Emma Beeby


Although I really like Sarah Jane (and miss her, and would've loved seeing more of her adventures with Luke and the others), I couldn't bond with anything in this comic, emotionally. Lady Carstairs was not fleshed out enough - and if she were, her story would have taken a different turn, I assume -, and the villain was just villain for the sake of it? Then the little trans-mat detour that didn't really seem to have any relevance ...

Maybe one needs to have been around during the actual run of the fourth Doctor's adventures to enjoy this comic.

And on top of that, this issue starts with casually reproducing anti-native american slurs and their trauma of exploitation.

(Apart from that, the comic is, technically, well done. Just ... not for me.)