A review by td3
Sawbones by Melissa Lenhardt


Sawbones is a gritty, wild and intense western that tells the story of a female doctor (which was almost unheard of in 1871) who is falsely accused of murder by a prominent family in New York. The doctor, Catherine Bennett, is forced to flee to Texas and change her name, taking with her just a few possessions and her lifelong maid.

Upon arrival in Texas, there is a glitch in her plans and she decides instead to get on a wagon train bound for Colorado. Now posing as Dr. Laura Elliston, she and her maid set out with the wagon train which is later attacked by Indians. Luckily for Laura, she survives and is taken to Fort Richardson, where she saves the life of Captain Kindle and eventually falls in love with him.

The adventure is just getting wound up at this point. There are bounty hunters searching for Laura (aka Catherine Bennett) and there is a strange man who seems to be trailing her. In addition to that, Captain Kindle has some secrets of his own.

Sawbones is a novel that is just as rough and untamed as Texas was during the late 1800’s. There are descriptions of the Indian attacks and raping of women, as well as descriptions of the medical conditions Elliston is treating. Definitely not a book for the squeamish.

I thought the ending was thrilling and look forward to reading the next book in the series.
On a side note, I met the author in my local Barnes & Noble as were were browsing the shelves of new fiction releases. Melissa Lenhardt, I am so glad I met you and after we talked, I bought Stillwater and The Fisher King. I’m looking forward to reading them this fall.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Redhook books for the opportunity to read a copy of this book for an honest review.