A review by dutchlee
The Adventures and the Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle


I loved reading Sherlock's adventures as told through he eyes of Dr. Watson!
They are intriguing stories, although I certainly did not expect them to be like this. They are short stories and I mean extremely short, about 25 pages in length, and have been quickly and masterfully solved by Holmes. This was a surprise to me as mystery stories (in my mind) usually are more complex and take a lot longer to solve. Yet Holmes is a genius with an eye for the little details which reveal far more information, as he tells Watson: "It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important;" (39) and referring to Watson's inability to make the same deductions: "You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear" (8).
His way of thinking is contagious. I began to pay attention to the little details as well, both in the stories to see if I could figure out the mystery before Holmes and after I put the book down and went about my day. He is an intriguing and peculiar character, whose personalities and idiosyncrasies are slowly disclosed throughout the various short stories. It seems that one of the overarching mysteries of these short stories is figuring out who Sherlock Holmes is. Watson certainly tries to do so as he narrates the book, yet are there parts where he merely "sees" and fails to "observe"? Only the reader who has let Sherlock be their mentor can answer that question.