A review by leewicks
Why the Star Stands Still by Rose Christo


It was good. It was very good, obviously, as otherwise I wouldn't have rated the book 4-stars. I think I was just expecting the 5-star quality I had gotten from the previous books, and for me...that just didn't really happen.

I found it kind of jarring to suddenly be 15 years in the future. I was looking forward to seeing more of Sky and Raf's relationship develop, and the various stages they've gone through (college, marriage, building a house, family development etc), and suddenly everything has already happened, Granny has passed away, and yeah. I dunno. I was somewhat disappointed by that.

I also wanted to see more of Sky and Raf's relationship in this book, as in...more of their moments, interactions with one another, their own bubble...and whilst there were moments like that, there weren't enough for me to feel satisfied. Maybe my rating's more like a 3.75, now that I think about it.

However. I still bloody love this series, and I plan on picking up the next one as soon as I can. I adore the sense of community that is so strong throughout this series, and I honestly do love Sky and Raf's relationship...and Mickey is a great character. Oh, and finding out more about Sky's dad was very satisfying, because he is so surrounded by mystery. It was great to have some questions answered.

Overall, a solid read. I just think I let my expectations get the better of me.