A review by ceena
The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke


This is a difficult one to review because I enjoyed reading it, but it totally has flaws and if it had caught me in a less generous moment, I probably wouldn't have liked it as much.

Ananna isn't my favorite character in the world since I so dislike how she reacts to Naji. I feel like she is so over the top mean and then towards the end we see that she likes him so... why is she such a jerk? I do like how she calls him out for not telling her anything (one of my pet peeves) and she is generally an interesting character. It is just the interactions between her and Naji that just drive me up the wall. GIVE It A REST ALREADY!! It sucks, just deal with it. And would she stop intentionally putting him in harm???

Other than that, I think the book moves at a decent pace, which then at the end seems so, so slow. I thought things were going to get solved in this book, but no. Totally felt like they could have though. The story though is not the most interesting. It doesn't really start until Ananna and Naji meet. I thought this would be about fighting off assassins and making their own way, BUT it is about removing the curse on them. So, a lot less pirate-y than I thought. Rarely any time on a ship.

Yet, with all this said, I practically raced through this book. I enjoyed the setting and learning about the magic and the pirate systems. I am interested in reading about them getting rid of the curse and I hope that they come up with a plan for what they want to do in the future. I'm interested, I like the writing, hopefully Ananna will get better, and... yeah. I would totally recommend this book to people who like light fantasy, morally grey characters, and want an adventure not so much a destination.
I look forward to reading the next book.