A review by serenaac
The Time It Snowed in Puerto Rico by Sarah McCoy


The Time It Snowed in Puerto Rico by Sarah McCoy is a coming of age novel about a young girl, Maria — also known as Verdita — in Puerto Rico during the debate about whether or not the nation should become a member of the United States or remain independent. Part of Maria Ortiz-Santiago’s family lives in the United States and part lives on the island in a little barrio, and readers get a taste of the differences between the two lives when Omar, her cousin, comes back to visit. As the two grow older and grow apart, Verdita continues to ramp up her competitive spirit when he’s near to retain her hold on her father. She’s always had a fear that a boy would usurp her father’s affections, especially after her mother becomes pregnant.

Read the full review: http://savvyverseandwit.com/2012/05/the-time-it-snowed-in-puerto-rico-by-sarah-mccoy.html