A review by zapkode
The Blemished by Sarah Dalton


“It all comes down to one simple fact – the children of the {gem} are perfect. We are the ugly and imperfect. We are the {blemish}.” {sarah dalton}

{my thoughts} - This book is about a girl named {mina hart}. She is what is considered to be {blemished}. There are two classifications of individuals in this book the {blemished} and the {gems}. {blemishes} are trained to be the servants of the {gems}. Their sole purpose in life is to be slaves or maids. The {gems} are {genetic enhancement ministry} in other words they are spoiled rotten, they are entitled, and they are self-absorbed. They are created in test-tube environments in order to cater to the desired offspring that parents ideally want. They are fashioned to be perfect, flawless and the new future of human kind.

This book really surprised me. It wasn’t what I was expecting and I enjoyed reading it. Its about a teenage girls desire to overcome diversity, to become more then she is meant to be, to show that she is worth something, and to save her life despite the odds against her. She has three main friends {angela}, {danial} and {sebastion}. Together the three of them go on an incredible journey to prove they are more and can become more then they have been predestined to be.

{reason for reading} - I had been accepted to read an ARC for the second book in this series {the vanished}. Before I could read it I knew I needed to read this book. I don’t like reading in mid-series and being completely lost.