A review by mountainzombie
Firebug by Johnnie Christmas


Johnnie Christmas's art in this is insane and my favorite part of the comic. the colors are out of this world and the style adds some fresh air to its genre. I am tired of anorexic foreversexy women but I'm learning that unless it's a female artist the comic will always depict women as a male gaze buffet and as someone who grew up on superhero comics I've learned to begrudgingly roll with it. That being said, I can't vibe with comics that don't have fleshed out characters. I also I'm also really tired of ugly women being evil as narrative trope or just like, ugliness in general as a mark of villainy. It's a societal standard so it's hard to get social justice oriented about the "if she isn't hot then she's a bad guy!" trope but also it does make me uncomfortable and ruins my enjoyment of whatever media I'm consuming. I think because I've been spoiling myself on comics primarily written by women that whenever I'm reading something with female characters that aren't believable as people it ruins my enjoyment. There are definitely male comics writers (Sunstone!) who can make me believe that the women are actual people but Firebug left me feeling completely Taratinoed. 1/2 stars for some cool art though.