A review by unusualsnowunicorn
The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career by L.M. Montgomery


This publication did not feel like a story of her career, or a story of her life, but an attempt to do a little bit of both but never fully committing to either. She does cover her struggles with publishing her first novel, but quickly glazes over publishing others in passing; in a similar way as she describes having to care for her grandmother and glazing over ending it; or focusing too much on honeymoon diary entries, while barely mentioning having met the man before marriage (while with a little research post-reading I easily learned she had been engaged for the five years leading up).
I'm not sure why she did it this way; if it was a self-bias, editing, trying to prevent and limiting gossiping, what she or editors thought would be interesting, I could only begin to guess, but was simply a let down to what I had hoped would be a grand look into a great authors life.