A review by alysses
Daughters of Jubilation by Kara Lee Corthron


Readathon hosted by Ms. WOC Reader on Youtube

I really should have read this book when it first came out. Truth be told I had been waiting for the audiobook but alas...none has been produced/published. Does it still need one? Yes, absolutely.

Short of it: More people need to read this book.

Evalene has come into her powers. She's jubing and it's out of control. This is the story of how Evalene learns about Jubilation all while trying to survive and navigate the Jim Crow south, her schooling, new love, work, friends and family.

This book had me anxious from page one. This is a YA fantasy but with some paranormal/horror aspects to it. I couldn't read it at night. I just couldn't. The magic system in this book was unique and made absolute sense. Honestly, I don't think I've ever read a magic system described in this way. There were aspects to the magic system that were brand new and then there were aspects that were familiar, such as root work. It's written in the dialect of the people whose lives we are living vicariously through and is laced with historical context which is essential to the plot.

This is a whole ride. You have to experience this book without spoilers and without intros. It will have you on your toes until the very end. It will absolutely break you in the last few chapters. It will absolutely stay with you for a while. Even now... I can't stop crying. All I can say is that so much has been taken and in the end all that is ever guaranteed is that you must keep surviving until you cannot.

Contents: Rape, Death, Violence, Domestic Violence, Incarceration, Suicide, KKK, N word