A review by theresidentbookworm
Hulk #5 by Jeff Dekal, Mariko Tamaki, Nico Leon


The Best Of: Hulk #5

1. I love how this book doesn't focus on Jennifer Walters as the Hulk but instead chooses to focus on her as a trauma victim. It's a much more interesting lens to frame the character in, especially after the events of Civil War II. "Change. It's hard to nail down exactly when you know that things are screwed up for the permanent."

2. Captain Marvel trying to be a supportive friend.

3. Bruce Banner (or his ghost?) visiting Jen and trying to reassure her that everything is going to be okay. Also, his lines are the best. "Some people are good at war. I preferred science."... "The world is full of unexpected things. Even for people like us."

4. "Change. Now everything's not okay. You're not okay. I'm not okay. No one is okay."

5. Maisie's haunting confession and how the traumatic events in her life have shaped her world view and caused her to do whatever she had to protect herself. "I though Ray was a good person. He seemed like a good person. He wasn't. He sent men to hurt me. He hid his bad and I didn't see it. Till that night. I saw him under his mask. His monster."

6. I usually don't praise the art style of this series because it is mostly hit and miss for me, but I particularly loved the panels in this issue that are just close ups of Jen and Maisie's faces.

7. Jen trying to convince Maisie and her neighbors that there were other options for them to feel safe than a giant monster plant even if she doesn't necessarily believe what she's saying. "You right, okay? The world is a crappy place to be a lot of the time. But this, whatever this is-- you can't just get a gigantic black gooey creature to make it all better. Trust me on this."

8. "That's not true. There's so much more... Hope is everywhere." "Even you don't believe that." This kills me.

9. The last page... Beautiful art, haunting repetition of an earlier line, and it absolutely leaves you wanting the next issue.

10. Overall, great issue of Hulk. Can't wait for the next one.