A review by brokenrecord
The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding


4.5 stars, almost entire for the family stuff. Like, the romance was fine, but definitely not one of my favorite YA romances, and I never really understood why Sai started dating Nicole and then why he didn’t just break up with her since he clearly was into Devan and it’s not like he and Nicole had been dating for years, like, you just started dating, you’re not married, just break up with her and date the girl you really want to be with!!! Okay, so I guess I actually found the romance slightly frustrating.

But who even cares because the family stuff in this was my EVERYTHING. I liked how Reece seemed insulting and like a terrible mom at the beginning to Devan because they just didn’t know each other. And yeah, she wasn’t a perfect mom by any means, but I liked that she clearly cared and was trying in her own way. And BRAD!!!!! I adored Brad so much and his relationship with Reece, and how great he was with Devan, and really I could’ve just read an entire book solely about the three of them learning to be a family and done without the school and romance stuff. I almost feel like I would’ve liked the book even more if it had been written from Reece’s perspective instead of Devan’s??? Like, it would’ve been a very different book, and it wouldn’t have been YA, but I guess I related slightly more to her than to Devan (I am much closer in age to her than to Devan, oh god), and I just would’ve been super into that.

But yeah, anyways, the family stuff was absolutely wonderful and really made me love this book. And actually the friend stuff was pretty good too! I liked how Devan’s friendship with Mira evolved, and Travis and Lissa were great. It was just the romance stuff that fell flat, but luckily it wasn’t too big a part of the story and didn’t detract too much from it for me.