A review by stucknbooks14
Condemned to Love by Siobhan Davis


I never thought I’d ever see him again. I never thought I’d need him to rescue me. And I certainly never thought I’d grow to fear them.

Fifty-five chapters, plus an epilogue. Well over five hundred pages. And never once did it feel too long. By the end, I felt like it wasn’t enough! If you liked Sicko, this is comparable. Just, without Sicko. Kinda. There’s a lot of information right off the bat. It’s like a mafia 101 history class. So if it’s your first time dipping your toes into the chaos of mafia romance, it’s a great thing! Bennett’s attraction and flirtation towards Sierra knew no bounds. Including when she was being held against her will, like it was totally the time and place for that! There’s another time jump, and secrets are exposed. I won’t expose them here...but I will at the bottom of this review, because I have words. Ben’s infatuation becomes deadly protective REAL quick. Nothing will come between him and those he loves. And it’s more than the usual ‘romantic’ mafia love possession. It’s not about power, it never is with Ben. It’s truly a strong love, and bond. He knew loving her was dangerous. He knew the power that gave others. But it didn’t matter. Ben would have Sierra no matter what. I loved seeing the big bad powerful man take control of his emotions and his love. Ben had a beautiful sweet side, and he wasn’t afraid to show it! I hoped more than anything that the conflict between them wasn’t going to be because he broke her heart. I trusted him just as much as she did. I usually prefer for them to earn that from me, but Ben made it easy. I loved that their conflicts were easily (and quickly) solved with open and honest communication. The story focused on Ben and Sierra reuniting, figuring themselves out, and creating a united front. The chaos around them was just the dirty details. I was brought to tears when Ben was threatened because of his love for Sierra, and was sick to my stomach for the rest of the book. Thank heavens for happy endings! Is there anything more perfect than a mafia man with sweet words and a loving heart?

My Favorite Quotes:
•”You are breathtaking tonight. You steal all the air from my lungs every time I look at you.”
•”There is no one else, Firefly.”
•”The only woman I want is you.”
•”No one f!cks with my girl and gets away with it.”
•”You are the only woman for me. Now and forever.”
•”I have spent what seems like an eternity dying to have you back in my bed.”
•”I want to f!ck this insatiable need for you out of my system, only to begin all over again, because there is no quenching my thirst when it comes to you.”
•”My queen never begs.”
•”Every day, you make me want to be a better man.”

7/10 Dirty Birdy
9/10 Mafia Romance
7/10 Second Chance

There are spoilers below this point
Sierra drove me nuts for entirely too much of the book. As a mom, I understood her need to protect her child. But to be so stubborn that she couldn’t just let Bennett help do exactly that?! He has the power and manpower to get that done! Put your own personal feelings aside, and let him do that! No matter how many times he told her about all the dangers, she blatantly ignored it and remained stubborn. It quite literally took something terrible happening for her to FINALLY see Bennett’s reasoning. Imagine that!