A review by beckymmoe
Falling Under You by Laurelin Paige


I liked the powerful woman in the business world/powerful (younger) man in the bedroom dynamic--it was different, and it worked here. Their scenes were truly something else--definitely NSFW! (Not really SF reading while you're sitting and waiting for your daughter to get her hair done for prom either, but what can you do? ;)) I liked that they were able (once Norma got over the first-day-after awkwardness) to separate work and fun and keep their spheres of power separate...mostly. Frankly, I'm amazed they were able to keep everything under wraps as long as they did--2 1/2 years; impressive!

Since this is a novella, the author makes up for the shorter format by skipping periods of time between chapters--it's more like a highlight reel of their relationship, with some very detailed scenes thrown in there from each time period highlighted. Probably if you've read the rest of the Fixed series and already know Norma and Boyd, this won't be a huge deal--even though I hadn't read the other books, it didn't bother me all that much. I still felt like we saw enough to get the gist of their relationship and understand where they were each coming from. It would have been nice to have all the blanks filled in with a longer story, but it wasn't strictly necessary.

This was my first book from this author, but probably not my last!

Rating: 4 stars / B

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.