A review by chllybrd
A Cursed Bloodline by Cecy Robson


A CURSED BLOODLINE was a depressing, torturous, and heart wrenching addition to the Weird Girls series. Come to think of it. The last few books have been like that as well, but book 4 is a little more of all of those. Celia and Aric are finally back together in book 3 and then the battle at the end of CURSED BY DESTINY happens and things once again change. On top of that. A familiar enemy shows up in the beginning of A CURSED BLOODLINE and puts another obstacle in Celia and Aric's path to happiness.

I REALLLY wanted something to go right for Celia in book 4, but every time that happens something rips it apart. It DOES get tiring and it DOES make me want to throw my book against the nearest wall, but I still couldn't put the darn book down. I don't think it's too much to ask that ONE of these books doesn't feature Celia being torn to pieces in some way. Hopefully we will get that at some point sooner rather than later.

The secondary characters of this series play a big part in every book and it is great to see connections grow and strain with each installment. The pace of A CURSED BLOODLINE flows nicely and the plot is anything but boring. I am absolutely heartbroken for Celia after reading A CURSED BLOODLINE, but I'm also hopeful for her too. I have a lot of mixed feelings and until I read book 5 I'm not sure if that will change. Even if I wanted to stop reading the Weird Girls series, which I don't, I would have a very hard time not picking up and reading more after the events of A CURSED BLOODLINE.

* This book was provided free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.