A review by erat
Gone with the Mind by Mark Leyner


I'm trying to figure out if this could be categorized as high-brow-low-brow a la McSweeneys' publications. It has a similar feel (full disclosure: I like McSweeneys' publications so this is not a bad thing per se) but it doesn't have quite the same Dave-Eggers-MFA-clique vocabulary or pretension. It's quirky as hell and definitely goofy but not in an overbearing or unrelenting way. It just kinda works. I'm always happy to read books that just kinda work.

This is my first Leyner book, but I can't imagine it's my last. I've been disappointed with a number of books that I've read over the past few months so this one was a breath of fresh air. It's smart, it's hilarious, it's complete bullshit, and it's short. Can't beat that with a stick.

Fair warning: you'll probably need a dictionary close by to look up some of Leyner's words. I know I did.

I got this book as a Goodreads Giveaway in exchange for an honest review. I would honestly love to spend a day just wandering around, caramelizing random things with a creme brulee torch.